EMPASO delivers personalized & branded consumer products
for healthy and sustainable activations campaigns in e.g. sports and education.
We reduce, reuse, recycly and communicate!
EMPASO delivers personalized & branded consumer products
for healthy & sustainable activations campaigns in e.g. sports & education.
We reduce, reuse, recycle and communicate!

Our products
In sports, our products connect teams, sports clubs and sponsors which want to be seen and which want to make life more healthy and sustainable.
Our products
In sports, our products connect teams, sports clubs and sponsors which want to be seen and which want to make life more healthy and sustainable.

EMPASO Sports Bottles and TeamCrates are highly efficient communication products which connect your brand for many years to people in a healthy and sustainable way.
Our websites
In sports we offer our personalized products to teams, sports clubs and sponsors via dedicated country websites.
Our websites
In sports we offer our personalized products for teams, sports clubs and sponsor via dedicated country websites!
Choose your website and order your personalized sports bottle TeamCrate with 12, 14 or 16 sports bottles online!

We are also active in health & education. Together with many (local) governmental institutions and other public & private organisations, we stimulate the people to drink healthy water with reusable water bottles!
We are also active in health & education. Together with many (local) governmental institutions and other public and private organisations, we stimulate the people to drink healthy water with reusable water bottles!

Tapwater installations
We also deliver tap water installations for sports bottles which give drinking healthy water a clean, hygienic and accessible place at schools and sports facilities.
Tap Water Installations
We supply tap water installations which give drinking healthy water a clean, hygienic and accessible place at schools and sports facilities.

Contact us
Do you want to find out more about EMPASO or about what we can do for your company or organisation? Just contact us!
Contact us
Do you want to find out more about EMPASO or about what we can do for your company or organisation? Just contact us!

‘s-Hertogenbosch | The Netherlands